Photo by Jason Dent on Unsplash
Introduction .NET Core developers are #blessed 💛 to be provided an easy-to-use out-of-the-box feature to integrate user authentication and authorization on their Web APIs.
The said feature is called Identity. Identity is .NET Core’s framework to manage user authentication: registration, login, etc. This feature is even able to generate a token to confirm the user’s email.
While these features are possible on other language frameworks, .NET Core Identity goes a step further by providing a well-designed default, yet flexible, implementations to apply on APIs.

Photo by Chester Alvarez on Unsplash
Introduction I have recently been dabbling with .NET Core after years of being a Java specialist. And so far I’m liking it.
That’s another story, but in the meantime let’s talk about how to set up EF Core, code-first, on .NET Core 3.1.
It took my time– a whole weekend– to find references and make it work. I don’t know if it’s my inexperience in the framework kicking in, or there isn’t much on the web.